Andrew Gray

Advisor | Former Group Chief Risk Officer, DTCC

With expertise in business management, strategy, risk, finance, and technology, Andrew Gray helps executives in transition determine their best path to a fulfilling future.

Mentorship is a passion for Andrew Gray—and is a hallmark of his more than three decades of executive experience with DTCC, where he garnered expertise in business management, strategy, risk, finance, and technology. As a MyNextSeason Advisor, he now shares his personal stories and knowledge to help executives in transition think through and determine their best path to a fulfilling future.

Prior to MyNextSeason, Andrew served as Managing Director and Group Chief Risk Officer of DTCC where he transformed the risk function and led a multimillion-dollar technology investment program that dramatically modernized operations. Over his tenure, he played an instrumental role in steering the firm through various crises and periods of volatility. Andrew started with DTCC leading the firm’s core business functions.

Previously, Andrew spent over a decade at Merrill Lynch gaining diverse, global experience. He began his career at Booz Allen & Hamilton where he led consulting teams serving financial services clients in the US, UK, Europe, Asia, and Australia.

Throughout his professional life, Andrew has served as an executive sponsor and leader for diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives, employee resource groups, and mentoring programs. He is an Affiliate member of the Institute of Coaching and a volunteer mentor for Menttium. Andrew serves on the Board of Dynex Capital and is a Member of the Board of Trustees of the Global Association of Risk Professionals (GARP). He is also an advisor and volunteer for various local and global non-profit organizations.

Andrew earned a Master of Government Administration from the University of Pennsylvania and a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Andrew resides with his wife in Westchester County, New York and they have two daughters in college.


Advisor | Former Group Chief Risk Officer, DTCC

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