Al Schnur, PhD

Industrial Psychologist

Al Schnur brings 30+ years of experience in talent assessment as he partners with MyNextSeason to provide comprehensive interpretation and explanation of assessment results.

Al has spent his 30+ year career in the talent assessment industry. He is the President of The People Company, International (PCI), and he partners with MyNextSeason to provide a comprehensive interpretation and explanation of assessment results. He is passionate about developing long-term relationships with his clients, empowering his teams to continuously improve processes, and providing consultation to C-suite executives and boards.  His current focus is on succession planning, high-potential development, and executive coaching.

Earlier in his career, Al worked for Development Dimensions International (DDI) where he developed expertise in designing assessment centers, 360- degree feedback processes, performance management, and training and development programs.  He later became deeply interested in leveraging the internet to hire people faster and joined ePredix, an internet start-up that developed online candidate screening tools.  Al has conducted over 5,000 assessments during his career, and more than 250,000 candidates have participated in programs he designed.

Al received his Bachelor of Arts in psychology from Kansas State University and earned both a Master’s and Doctorate in Industrial/Organizational Psychology from Louisiana State University.  He is a member of the American Psychological Association, the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology and the Association for Corporate Growth.


Industrial Psychologist

Certificates & awards