William R.K. Innes, D.Eng.

Advisor | Former President, ExxonMobil

Bill Innes combines hard scientific acumen, a head for running global businesses, and masterful relational abilities to be a powerfully effective MyNextSeason Advisor.

Bill Innes combines hard scientific acumen, a head for running global businesses, and masterful relational abilities to be a powerfully effective MyNextSeason Advisor. After a long and successful career with ExxonMobil, Bill has spent more than a decade advising CEOs and C-suite leaders of corporations in Europe, India, and North America, bringing valuable insight and experience to clients walking through strategic business and leadership challenges.

Before joining MyNextSeason, Bill spent most of his career with ExxonMobil and its Canadian affiliate, leading the chemical and petroleum businesses in Canada, Exxon’s chemical business in Europe, and serving as CEO of Exxon in Japan. Bill developed ExxonMobil’s Operating Integrity Management System, which has become the industry benchmark for ensuring control of hazardous and environmentally sensitive operations.

Bill currently serves on the board of Quantum Valley Ideas Laboratory and has also been a board member of Imperial Oil, Esso Sekiyu, Tonen Corporation, Interprovincial Pipelines, and The Continuous Learning Group. He is a member of the Governing Council of the National Trust of the Cayman Islands and was formerly President of the Canadian Petroleum Products Institute and a Trustee of the Liberty Science Center. Together, with MyNextSeason Co-Founder and Senior Partner Leslie Braksick, Bill co-authored Your Next Season: Advice for Executives on Transitioning from Intense Careers to Fulfilling Next Seasons (2017).

Bill earned an undergraduate degree in Chemical Engineering and a Doctorate in Engineering from Birmingham University in the UK. He and his wife, Judy, were married for more than 50 years and journeyed together through 16 homes and 3 continents. Bill now lives in Vancouver Island in British Columbia, close to his son and his family, and enjoys boating in the beauty of the Pacific Northwest.


Advisor | Former President, ExxonMobil

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