
Burnet Tucker’s Next Season

Insecurities of exiting:
Even though I had been very involved in my own succession plan, after I left BofA I still had these surprising and frankly unsettling feelings about how easily the organization seemed to replace me. And not just replace me but move on so successfully without me. I found myself wondering how well I would have been performing if I had stayed. Rationally, I understood that just because things were running well, it wasn’t an indication that my 25 years brought no value or that I was incapable of achieving what was being done. But emotionally I had to learn how to stop assessing my performance in a job that I no longer had and not let the feelings of self-doubt detract from my overall sense of worth. BofA’s continued success was not my failure.

The power of the pause:
I was an HR executive, very structured and organized in my approach to my career. But when I made the decision to retire, I didn’t have any set plan for my future, which was very shocking to everyone who knew me. I was confident in my decision, but unsure of what was next. Shortly after my departure date, I had the opportunity to go through the MyNextSeason executive transition program. I began working with an advisor to discern what this next phase would look like. Through that process, I was encouraged to take a “pause.” Following that advice ended up being pivotal for me. I gave myself six months to do “nothing.” It not only freed me from thinking about my next steps, but also from holding myself to measurements of performance and productivity. I didn’t have to engage in new things just so I felt like I was accomplishing something. I traveled and spent a lot of time with my family. And after my hiatus, my plan started to grow organically.

Trading expectations for authenticity:
I knew I wanted to find a new way to use my skill and experience, but I did not want to replicate the intensity and time commitment of my previous role. I explored the idea of starting my own consulting business. It felt like everyone expected me to do that and to be honest, I think I expected it of myself. But the more I thought about it, the more I realized, “hanging my own shingle” wasn’t for me. I didn’t want to be a sole operator.

Finding a new fit:
After some reflection, I determined that the part of my HR experience I enjoyed the most was coaching. I also found tremendous benefit working with a coach as a client at MyNextSeason. So, when I was asked to join the MNS advising team, it seemed like the right fit. Over the past 7 years, it has proven to be a great way to fulfill my desire to deploy my coaching skills and be a part of a supportive team.

Putting the rest of the pieces together:

The Burnet of 10 years ago, would never have imagined she would one day be dressed in a beautiful sari, with tika on her head, participating in a Hindu religious festival. But now I have had that honor and so many other amazing experiences because I have committed to getting off the sidelines when it comes to causes I care about. In addition to my work with MNS, I have been involved in several not-for-profit organizations in varying capacities. For the past several years, my husband and I have participated in a program called Fruitful Friends and we have become close to a local refugee family from Nepal. At first, I was hesitant to embark on this relationship knowing that it would require navigating cultural differences and a language barrier. But I am so glad that I was able to push out of my comfort zone and pursue this opportunity which has led to rich cultural experiences and meaningful friendships. Building a next season in which I am intentional with my time has allowed me to put my energy into new and, sometimes, unexpected joys.

What’s next:
It’s been 8 years, and I’ve done many incredible things that I could not have anticipated. But now as I am moving on from some of those things I did shortly after my retirement, I am learning that there is not just one next season for me. There will hopefully be many as I keep exploring interests and refining my priorities. I plan on continuing to help others through their own transitions as a MyNextSeason advisor and at the same time, I am excited to dive into some new discernment of my own about what I might want my next, next season to look like.